Individual Therapy

At Resilient Healing Wellness, I offer individual therapy sessions to adults (ages 18+) in a completely virtual capacity.

I utilize a person-centered approach, which prioritizes your unique needs, and experiences. In conjunction, I also employ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques to help you to identify and change negative patterns in your thinking and behavior. Additionally, I will utilize emotion-focused techniques that help you explore and understand your feelings more deeply. By increasing emotional awareness, I aim to empower you to process your experiences and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Together, these methods create a tailored therapeutic experience that can lead to more profound healing and a greater sense of resilience in facing life's challenges.

Cost of Services

Initial Assessment: $150

Follow up sessions:

  • 30-60 minutes = $125

  • 60-90 minutes = $150

I do have a select few sliding scale spots available.

It is an act of bravery to feel your feelings.
— Gayle Forman